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Shared library containing methods to publish Swagger API docs up to

NOTE: ${APIKEY} needs to be a pointer to a file with the key. This will need to be set locally from your environment or from Jenkins.


Name Required Type Description and Default Value
owner false str Specify Swagger API owner.

Default: EdgeXFoundry1
apiFolders true string Space delimited list of folders to publish.
swaggerCredentialId false string Config file Id that contains the Swagger API key to allow publishing of API docs.

Default: swaggerhub-api-key


Publish single folder to Swagger to owner:EdgeXFoundry1

edgeXSwaggerPublish(apiFolders: 'openapi/v1')

Publish multiple API folders to Swagger to owner:EdgeXFoundry1

edgeXSwaggerPublish(apiFolders: 'openapi/v1 openapi/v2')

Publish single folder to swagger with a customer owner/organization.

edgeXSwaggerPublish(owner: 'customOwner', apiFolders:'openapi/v1')