Jakarta Release Stages
Release Architecture
Pre-LTS Flow
Post-LTS Flow
C Based Services
Release Flow
- 🆕 edgeXRelease: creates and pushes "jakarta" branch at specific git sha
- The push of the tag triggers new LTSRelease build
- Job: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fdevice-coap-c/detail/lts-test/19/pipeline/81
- "LTS Release Build", builds project specific relevant ci build images (x86_64, arm64) will all dependencies bundled
- Images are pushed to nexus release, i.e. nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/device-coap-c-builder-{ARCH}:{GIT SHA}
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: tags git sha with release version e.g. 2.1.0
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: stages build artifact, i.e. triggers device-coap-c/jakarta job
- 🆕 If this is a C build and LTS we will need to wait until the first LTSRelease build is done before running this build. New function
is used to wait until builder images are ready. - Job: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fdevice-coap-c/detail/lts-test/20/pipeline/154
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: Bump Semver, i.e. next dev tag 2.1.1-dev.1
PR Fixes (Regular Dev Process)
PR is open in fork as normal, but target branch will be LTS (jakarta) branch
- [Existing] User open's PR as normal for fix, etc https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fdevice-coap-c/detail/PR-27/7/pipeline/213
- 🆕 Pipeline will detect the merge target is an LTS branch and will use released ci build image from the release process rather than build a ci image on the fly
was the perfect abstraction to do this!docker pull nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/device-coap-c-builder-x86_64:{GIT SHA} docker tag nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/device-coap-c-builder-x86_64:{GIT SHA} ci-base-image-x86_64
docker pull nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/device-coap-c-builder-arm64:{GIT SHA} docker tag nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/device-coap-c-builder-arm64:{GIT SHA} ci-base-image-arm64
Main Branch (Regular Dev Process)
PR open against the main branch, no regressions introduced: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fdevice-coap-c/detail/PR-29/2/pipeline
Go based services
Release Flow
- 🆕 edgeXRelease: creates and pushes "jakarta" branch at specific git sha
- The push of the tag triggers new LTSRelease build
- Job: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fsample-service/detail/lts-test/24/pipeline
- "LTS Release Build" will be a no op build in the case of Golang
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: tags git sha with release version e.g. 2.1.0
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: stages build artifact, i.e. triggers sample-service/jakarta job
- 🆕 No wait needed as of yet, but maybe will need something in the future
- Job: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fsample-service/detail/lts-test/25/pipeline/147 (need to add lts branches to isReleaseStream)
- [Existing] edgeXRelease: Bump Semver, i.e. next dev tag 2.1.1-dev.1
PR Fixes (Regular Dev Process)
PR is open in fork as normal, but target branch will be LTS (jakarta) branch
- [Existing] User open's PR as normal for fix, etc https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fsample-service/detail/PR-135/9/pipeline
🆕 getGolangBaseImage will return Go LTS image that DevOps manually releases into Nexus release
docker build -t ci-base-image-x86_64 -f Dockerfile --build-arg BASE=nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/edgex-devops/edgex-golang-base:1.16-alpine-lts --build-arg 'MAKE=echo noop' --target=builder .
docker build -t ci-base-image-arm64 -f Dockerfile --build-arg BASE=nexus3.edgexfoundry.org:10002/edgex-devops/edgex-golang-base-arm64:1.16-alpine-lts --build-arg MAKE="echo noop" --target=builder .
Main branch (Regular Dev Process)
PR open against the main branch, no regressions introduced: https://jenkins.edgexfoundry.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/edgexfoundry%2Fsample-service/detail/PR-136/1/pipeline